Wednesday 17 September 2014

Logs, sticks, pecking order, new arrivals and limocello

Bolloxs I thought to myself, if the secretary can't be bothered to phone me to let  me know if the internet is working again, I can't be bothered either.  So work seems to be off the cards again today, I am suspicious that the secretary thinks I am after her job and that she doesn't like sitting in my incredible shade. Perhaps I should turn up tomorrow and when she says "sorry the internet is still not working" I will reply with "it's ok I am just typing up letters today",  how do you like them apples missy :)

So what to do with the rest of this glorious day, think I'll just have a coffee while I think about it, no that's not going to work, just noticed Prince Giacomo on the other side of the fence which means yet another hole to block, cor you should of seen the colour of the air when his lordship found out :)
I kept out to the way, I had logs to collect and stack, however I ended up interrupting him because I needed some adjustments making to the wood shed so that I could re stack to get more in.  He was very obliging of his time but I could hear him muttering under his breath "Non capito, non capito" ("I don't understannd, I don't understand") I couldn't decide if that was in reference to Prince Giacomos latest escape or me and my demands :)

I'll just gather and stack up the logs that are laying around:

and re organise the shed.

No it's not full and it will take a lot  more than this to get us through the winter months.

Not sure what is going on in the world of fowl, but there has been a distinct ruffling of feathers in the ranks of late. The hens have refused to lay, which means I am delayed in making Tabithas birthday cake and that will just not do.  It would seem that there is now a divide in the colours, the whites have moved to the top of the garden whilst anything with so much as a hint of colour is staying happily down the bottom end.

Although I would not normally encourage this sort of behavior, not being pc and all that, the hens have started laying again, yay, now if the Geese and Ducks can just get off their high horses and start laying all will be well.

and just to reward the hens for getting back to the egg laying we decided to get them some extra help.

Welcome Milly and Molly.

Marcello (a whole other story) turned up today, he lives just two fields away but I haven't seen him in more than 2 years.  I am wondering what he wants, but being the neighborly sort I made him a coffee and accepted the cigarette he offered me.  His lordship and Marcello went out for the afternoon to fetch the two newbies, which of course softened the blow at being left to lug logs alone, but I will let them off as Marcello sent over a couple of tots of home made Limoncello and a couple of tots of Limoncello cream.  Ok so a bottle would of been most acceptable but I know these will slip down easily enough.

Me thinks I will be sleeping well tonight, cheers x

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