There was only such much I could do with them and really, they were better than nothing. They did, however, get me reminiscing about my childhood and the pair of lovely grinders my dear old dad used to have in his shed, I really could of done with those today. However I did manage to clear some of the debris away, we now have something that could closely resemble a pathway.
In between sharpening and hacking, I was being harassed by 2 of the males in my life, who, for some reason think that I just sit on my ass for most of the day so can therefore be interrupted at their will. It would seem the next thing on the agenda would be fence fixing, Prince Giacomo had been plotting his escape and was away on his toes before we could stop him. On a Sunday we have a shed load of cyclist thundering through the forest, so for Prince Giacomo, this is far to irresistible, nothing finer than to chase some poor cyclist through the undergrowth, funny how their speed picks up when a dog appears behind them. So fence mending was a priority as we could do without a law suit resulting from one of Prince Giacomos Sunday pursuits.
Now whilst this fence repairing was underway, I played the role of "pass me this and pass me that" all very technical stuff, consisting of some old roof tiles, various sizes of wooden stakes and some garden wire. I busied myself with the task in hand but suddenly got the feeling that someone or something was watching me, there on the other side of the fence was Princess Dolly all smiles and mischief, so you can guess what the afternoon was going to consist of.
Moving swiftly on it is at this time of year or thereabouts that I begin to gather up my nuts! Hazlenuts, Walnuts and two different varieties of Chestnuts, now you must of heard me moan on many occasions about the amount of prickles my poor hands go through but it's worth it in the end as his Lordship takes them all down to a local grocer and sells them, yay for income. This year it is just not going to happen, it would seem that all our nut trees have some disease or other , and according to the locals it is all down to the Chinese! As there are no Chinese in the immediate vicinity to ask for the cure I am at a bit of a loss, so if anyone out there can further advise me on this matter I would be very grateful.
Now talking about nuts, this is the kind of nut I'm talking about, large clean and hopefully crunchy.
Nuts or not it's that time of day when I am just to knackered to do anything much other than slob out, so I am going to sit back on my lovely red couch, watch the first episode of The Hunger Games and try to pretend it's the first time I have ever watched it else wise he'll be flipping the channels.
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